The VOLSTOR story is a quite simple one actually. A desire to crreate a brand new and unique storage system for comics and magazines, and to give collectors an alternative from the only other two choices: long white box or short white box.

While these boxes do serve a purpose, they are usually heavy, difficult to move, and near impossible to easily find a specific issue. Nor are they what most people would want to keep in their living rooms to showcase their collections.

As we have mentioned before, we feel that the VOLSTOR is nothing short of a revolution in comic book and magazine storage design, and is the first innovative alternative in years. The VOLSTOR represents a total rethinking in storage.

Each VOLSTOR is made to very high standards that allow for versatility and creativity, without sacrificing quality. With VOLSTOR, you will be proud to display your collection in its rightful place—on your bookshelf.

The Volstor is patented and trademarked, and is my own personal invention. Its popularity is growing, and has been endorsed by several major publishers.

After much success in the United Kingdom, we are now launching the product in the United States, and are making them available to local retailers as part of their collecting and storage product line. The Volstor is currently available in four (4) sizes, catering to virtually all collectable magazine or comic book sizes. We can also create special colors and finishes for your specific needs (contact us for more details).

We would love to hear from you, so please drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Paul M. Lovell
Archive Supplies, Inc.



© Copyright Archive Supplies Inc. All rights reserved © Copyright Paul M. Lovell
Illustrations are copyright and trademark of their respective owners and are used for
display purposes only. No Infringement of copyright is intended. Web site created by Ace Crockett

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